The WWW Virtual Library wishes to thank the following for their kind donations:
Details of how you can make a donation.
Donations of 5,000 and above:
- ♦ Dr Bertrand Ibrahim (University of Geneva).
- ♦ Linda Franklin, the Goldsmith family, friends and colleagues
— in memory of Bertrand Ibrahim.
Donations of 2,500 and above:
- ♦ Sir Tim Berners-Lee2 (W3C - World Wide Web Consortium).
Donations of 1,000 and above:
Donations of 500 and above:
- ♦ The International Arbitration Association.
Donations of 100 and above:
Details of how you can make a donation.
- Amounts are in Swiss Francs (CHF).
- After the establishment of the Virtual Library as a
formal body (under Swiss law), Tim very kindly donated
the monies he had received as the Pirelli Award
for his innovative development of the WWW VL.