Agricultura :  en · es · fr · zh

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Australian Agriculture Australian Agriculture
This Virtual Library aims to provide information on various topics that relate to Australian and New Zealand farming industries.
this resource in English is indexed under: Agricultura, Asiáticos.
Gardening Gardening
Gardening resources cataloged by subject or region.
this resource in English is indexed under: Agricultura, Diversión.
Irrigation and Hydrology Irrigation and Hydrology
The original Virtual Library of Irrigation and Hydrology was first established in 1995 as part of the World Wide Web Virtual Library System, providing dedicated and structured information related to the wider area of irrigation and hydrology over many years. In late 2003, it was revived and restructured now with the major objective to provide quality-controlled full-text publications and information online.
this resource in English is indexed under: Agricultura, Population and Development Studies, Water.

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