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Ciencias de la Tierra

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Cartography History Cartography History
Map History/History of Cartography - Old maps, early maps - non-current maps in general - are the subject of this site. Whether you are an academic, family historian, collector, teacher, parent or surfer, use this site to find the worthwhile information about old maps, both on the web and in the real world. The site's 100 'pages' offer comment and guidance, and over 3,500 annotated links - selected for relevance and quality.
this resource in English is indexed under: Ciencias de la Tierra, Historia.
Diamond and Fine Jewelry Virtual Library Diamond and Fine Jewelry Virtual Library
Gemstones and fine jewelry made of precious metals set with diamonds and/or gems. Includes aspects of the diamond and gem trade from education to fashion trends.
this resource in English is indexed under: Ciencias de la Tierra, Sociedad.
Oceanography Oceanography
Note: non-compliant site (see
this resource in English is indexed under: Ciencias de la Tierra, Water.
Urban Environmental Management Urban Environmental Management
The UEM Homepage is an output of the Urban Environmental Management Research Initiative (UEMRI), a grouping of urban planning researchers from around the world. It looks at urban areas as the intersection of natural, built, and socio-economic environments, creating sustainable ecosystems.
this resource in English is indexed under: Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento, Ciencias de la Tierra.

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