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Advanced browsing Advanced browsing
Resources whose primary purpose is to improve selection and readability of information.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 計算與電腦科學, 資訊與圖書管理.
Electronic Journals Electronic Journals
Links to electronic journals in all subjects.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
Information Design Information Design
Information Design is the practice of collating, packaging and displaying information in such a way as to communicate and meet the needs of the user, for intended purposes. It uses effective design principles, for offline and/or online presentation, in order to understand the essence and meaning of the professed information. Information design practices takes graphic design principles and applies and integrates it with text.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 人口與發展研究, 資訊與圖書管理.
Information Quality Information Quality
This set of pages keeps track of online resources relevant for evaluation, development and administration of high quality factual/scholarly networked information systems.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
Knowledge Management Knowledge Management
KMNetwork and the WWW Virtual Library on Knowledge Management
英語資源 按…檢索的: 資訊與圖書管理.
Published Subjects Published Subject Indicators
PSIs are a “URI-based method of identifying subjects of discourse … of particular interest to publishers and users of ontologies, taxonomies, classifications, thesauri, registries, catalogues, and directories, and for applications that capture, collate or aggregate information and knowledge”.
英語資源 按…檢索的: 計算與電腦科學, 資訊與圖書管理.



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